Carolina Dance Collaborative in partnership with the YMCA will be offering classes at the Powdersville branch for 2-8 year olds.
Registration is open and done online here at the Carolina Dance Collaborative website. Visit their website, click “Enroll,” create an account, add your child, and pick the class you wish to enroll in. All payments can be made online.
Powdersville YMCA
3:30-4:15 Pre-Ballet (ages 5-8)
12:30-1:15 Little Learners 2 (ages 3-4)
11:45-12:30 Little Learners 1& 2 (ages 2-4.5 years)
12:30-1:00 Tap 1 (ages 3-5 years)
3:30-4:15 Ballet 1&2 (ages 8-12 years)
4:30-5:15 Tap 2 (ages 5-8 years)
Quarter 1 – Weeks of August 21st – October 14th
No Classes: Sept. 4th (Labor Day)
Quarter 2 – Weeks of October 23rd – December 16th
No Classes: Nov. 22nd – Nov 24th (Thanksgiving)
Quarters 3 & 4 To Be Announced
$90 for 30-minute Class
$130 for 45-minute Class
$150 for One Hour Class
Billed per Quarter
8 weekly classes in each Quarter
Other Class Fees:
Annual Registration Fee – $30
Quarter 4 Costume Fee – TBD
This fee is only due once throughout the 2023-2024 Season.
This fee will be due upon registration of your first session.
As part of Carolina Dance Collaborative’s mission to offer dance to anyone regardless of ability to pay, we offer scholarship opportunities for those dancers in need. Please contact us at info@
Make-up classes:
We encourage students to make-up their class at another YMCA location if classes are missed due to a holiday, sickness, etc. To schedule your make-up class please email Julie at info@
Dance Curriculum:
This program educates dancers in multiple disciplines with an emphasis on proper technique and an appreciation of the art. Our youngest dancers begin by exploring movement, rhythm, spatial awareness and building their own creativity. These concepts create a foundation that we nurture as dancers grow within the program.
Through the years, dancers will be introduced to discipline, specific terminology, body placement and movement that is appropriately challenging for their level. All dancers will be given the opportunity to join each quarter, showing off their development at the end of each quarter for a studio showcase as well as a year end performance for family and friends.
Little Learners I (Ages 2-3) & II (Ages 4-5): This 45-minute class combines the elements of creative movement, ballet, and tumbling into one fun and exciting class. Students will learn basic floor tumbling techniques, coordination, strength, flexibility, and rhythm as they explore how to move in and through space with their peers.
Ballet I (Ages 6-8) & II (Ages 9-12): This class will have an emphasis on body placement, proper technique, and ballet terminology at age appropriate levels. This class will benefit dancers continuing their dance training as well as those who wish to begin.The rigor and pace of the class will increase as the year progresses.
Tap (Ages 3-8): In these 30-minute classes, students will learn tap dance skills and terminology. They will be able to explore different rhythms and sounds using their feet.
* At the discretion of the instructors with Carolina Dance Collaborative, dancers may be placed in classes based on their dance proficiency instead of age.
Class Assessment and Size:
During the first two weeks of the quarter, each child will be assessed to make sure they are within an age and level appropriate class. On occasion, a class change may be appropriate to accommodate the needs of the student. Each class must have at least 5 students enrolled in order to stay on the schedule. For the benefit of the students, class sizes are limited. If space is available, enrollment will remain open up to 2 weeks after quarterly registration (full tuition and registration fees are still required though).