It is a privilege to partner with our local schools through the Y Mentor program. Each of the 39 schools we serve across Pickens and Anderson Counties have students who are waiting to be paired with a mentor, so the need is great.
Mentors provide extra support to help students achieve their potential by committing to spend 30 minutes each week with a student while they are at school. We believe everyone, regardless of age, benefits from having positive one-on-one relationships with others. Childhood is an especially important time, and mentoring is the perfect way to invest in the life of a student! Mentors are a positive influence and catalyst in helping shape the future of our community.
For anyone interested in mentoring please register for a volunteer training today! This class provides a detailed overview of the Y Mentor program and also serves as the required training for all prospective volunteers, if you choose to become a mentor. If you have already decided to become a mentor, go ahead and sign up for a training, and you will be one step closer.
The success and impact of the Y Mentor program is a community effort! For more information or to learn how you can sponsor a school, please contact:
Y Mentor Program: Ryan Smith at [email protected].
The YMCAs of Easley, Pickens & Powdersville are excited to bring the Y Mentor Program to Pickens and Anderson County. Our goal is to partner businesses, churches and civic organizations with elementary, middle and high schools in the area to provide a framework of support to help students achieve their potential and discover their strengths.
Thank you to our partners in the Y Mentor Program, Anderson School District 1 and the School District of Pickens County.
This 2 hour training is designed to equip and educate you on how to be an effective mentor.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is there a fee to attending training?
Nope! Training is free to attend.
I am not sure if I want to be a mentor, but I am interested in it. How can I learn more?
The best way to learn more about being a mentor is to attend a training. By attending training, you are not committing to being a mentor. The training serves as a great orientation to mentoring.
I am ready to be a mentor! What do I do?
Register for a training.
Do I have to attend a training in my school district?
It is recommended that you attend training in the same district in which you plan to mentor.
Refer a student with this online form.
Thank you for what you are doing for the students!. Your efforts are so appreciated and your impact will be great on a young life. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us!
Report Outside Mentoring Hours
Y Mentor Pickens County Facebook
Y Mentor Anderson School District 1 Facebook
Amazon Smile
Dept. of Social Services
30 Questions to Ask Your Kid Instead of “How was your day?”
Mentee and/or Family
The Dream Center
Duke Energy Helping Hands Program
Duke Energy Share the Warmth Program
Safe Harbor
Low-Income Housing
The Parenting Place
Pickens County Advocacy Center
United Way of Anderson County
United Way of Pickens County
Outside Mentoring is an additional, optional layer that a mentor can request when he/she wants to meet with their mentee outside school hours and off school grounds. Please review all policies and procedures on the Off-Site and Waiver Permission form, as well as the Overview and Additional Policies document below. In order to participate in OM, you must:
- have met with your mentee at least 10 times
- print, sign and date the Off-Site Waiver and Permission form and return to the Director
- wait until you receive approval from the Director
- complete the Off-Site Reporting Form when you plan an activity with your mentee. This must be completed and submitted online. Print outs will not be accepted.
Please note:
Sign, date and return the Outside Mentoring Waiver to the Program Director for your district. Once they obtain the parent/guardian signature, you will be notified. Do not arrange visits with your mentee offsite (away from school) until you have received approval from our staff. The waiver remains in effect indefinitely until withdrawn by the parent/guardian, so you only need to complete the Waiver once. However, you will need to complete the Off-Site Reporting Form for each Outdoor Mentoring activity.
Any questions should be addressed to the Director.
Off-Site Waiver and Permission
Off-Site Reporting Form
Overview and Additional Policies