YMCA Nationwide Membership enables you to visit any participating Y in the United States through membership at your “home” YMCA (your home location is the facility that enrolled you as a member, visit the most and that collects your membership dues).
We participate in the YMCA Nationwide Membership program because we want to help you reach your health and wellness goals wherever you live, work or travel. This is an essential part of our cause of strengthening communities.
Visiting our Y if you are a member of another YMCA:
Visiting members of another YMCA are welcomed at our YMCA with some restrictions.
1) Childwatch services are not available to nationwide members
2) The Powdersville YMCA pools are not available to nationwide members from
Memorial Day to Labor Day.
3) Nationwide members are not eligible for program member rates or programs that
are member only.
4) If you visit our Y more than 5 times per month for 2 consecutive months, we will
contact you to verify your home branch and usage.
Easley, Pickens and Powdersville YMCA members visiting another YMCA:
1) Be sure to first contact the YMCA you are visiting to ensure they participate in the
Nationwide Program and any restrictions they may have. Most YMCA’s state
their policies on their website.
2) Bring a photo ID
3) You will need to sign a waiver when visiting another Y location.
Eligibility for being a Nationwide Member:
Valid for active, full facility YMCA members
On a monthly basis, nationwide member visitors must use their home Y at least 51% of the time.
Program-only participants, 3rd party memberships (insurance paid memberships) and special memberships are not eligible for Nationwide Membership.