Refer a friend to the Y and when they become a member, you will get one month for free. We will skip your next monthly draft payment, and you will have a new workout buddy!
What is the Member Referral Program?
When you join the YMCA, you join a movement – a movement focused on improving the community through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. As a member, when you refer someone to join the YMCA, we all get stronger. If you are a current YMCA member, you can receive one month of your YMCA membership free! For every new member referral you get to join, we’ll give you one month off!
Can I refer more than one friend or family member?
Yes. There is no limit on the number of friends or family members you can refer to the Y.
Does my friend or family member have to join the same Y?
They have to join either the Easley, Pickens or Powdersville YMCA in order for you to qualify.
I have referred friends and family in the past, can I get credit for them?
No. The referral program began in November 2014 thus any request before then will not be a part of the referral program.
Who is eligible?
All membership types are eligible with the exception of the Upstate Memberships. There are a couple limitations:
1) Members must submit the referral within 45 days of the new member joining.
2) The new members must not have been YMCA members for the past 6 months.
I referred my friend and my friend joined. When do I get my free month?
Once you submit the form to us and the new member has joined, we will credit the upcoming month. It ultimately depends on the day your membership is paid and when the request is made. At most, it will take up to 30 days but most likely sooner.
I am currently receiving financial assistance or have an income based rate. Can I refer a friend for this program?
Yes. We encourage all of our members to take this opportunity and help us to make our community a healthier place to live.