The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unique challenges for us all – financial hardships, educational shifts, and challenges to the physical and emotional wellness of so many in our community, state and country. Since the COVID-19 shutdown began:
- 76% of Americans reported unwanted weight gain of up to 16 pounds.
- 53% of adults in the U.S. reported that their mental health has been negatively impacted due to worry and stress over the coronavirus.
- Depression symptoms were 3 times higher during COVID-19.
- Unemployment spiked as individuals and businesses faced layoffs and closures.
But we have good news! Your YMCA is ready to help and has programs in place to face down these issues!
Did you know?
- Your Y is open for regular hours and is offering our programs and services in much the same way as before the COVID-19 shutdown. We’ve implemented social distancing and limited capacity in group settings based on recommendations, but our members are able to enjoy most amenities as before.
- In a recent survey, 89% of members shared they are pleased or have no concerns about the Y’s stringent health & safety cleaning procedures. Members shared that “the Y has done a great job of providing members with a safe place to workout” and that “the extra effort to ensure a clean and safe environment is well noticed.”
- Our FREE wellness program called ‘The Journey’ meets you where you are in your wellness journey, gets you started with your goals, and has you meet with a coach who encourages you along the way. Learn more at www.theYMCA.us/journey. We have all of the exercise equipment, Group Wellness classes, and personal training to help you meet your fitness goals. And if you need someone to help with your children while you work out, we also have Childwatch available!
- Exercise releases feel-good endorphins that enhance your sense of well-being, take your mind off worries, help you gain more social interaction and cope in a healthy way.
- Our Financial Assistance program ensures the Y is available for all. We are committed to ensuring everyone has access to our YMCAs. Finances should not be a barrier to a healthy living. Learn more at www.theYMCA.us/financial-assistance.
- In the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are members who are unable or choose not to visit the Y in person. With this in mind, we will soon be launching a Virtual Y to provide virtual access to the best group fitness classes and on-the-go resources.
While the pandemic has caused operational and fiscal changes for our YMCA, we are excited about the many great opportunities we see on the horizon.
- Fall Events
- This fall we will again be offering events for members of all ages to enjoy, including a Kids Triathlon, Movies on the Lawn, Pumpkin Splash, a Gingerbread House Party, and our Community Wellness parties like Yoga, Zumba and Pound. These events will meet the same safety standards we have in place for our branches, with rigorous cleaning protocols and social distancing to keep participants safe. We’re also adding affinity groups, including a Hiking Club beginning October 17. See our calendar of upcoming events at www.theYMCA.us/calendar, register online, or call the Powdersville YMCA today at 625-2060 for more information.
- Virtual YMCA
- Beginning soon, we will be adding Virtual YMCA opportunities as an added perk to your membership to the YMCA of Easley, Pickens & Powdersville. While much of this Virtual content will be geared towards members who are in a high-risk health category or have chosen not to return to a branch in person, it will be available as part of every membership. Your Virtual YMCA will include Group Wellness classes, coach check-ins, challenges & more!
- Powdersville YMCA Expansion
- Also, we are excited to be close to completion on the expansion of our Powdersville YMCA. This 10,000 square foot expansion has been made possible through the generous support and partnership of our members and community, showing that, even in times of unprecedented strife, the mission of the Y stands as a beacon of possibility.
- Member Affinity Groups
- After hearing from you, our members, that you were interested in clubs and groups, we’re also starting Affinity Groups this Fall. These groups will bring together members who share a common interest for fun and fellowship to help strengthen the bonds of our Y community. Our first Affinity Group is our Hiking Club, which will have its first meeting on October 17.For more information about the Hiking Club, please reach out to Amber Rundberg, Aquatics & Sports Director, at 878-3436. For information about future Affinity Groups, please reach out to Christy Coffee, Program Development Director, at 625-2065
For more than 176 years, the mission of the Y has persevered through the test of time to shine as a beacon for those in need. Though 2020 has challenged our community, state and country, your YMCA will continue to serve you and our community with the same passion and commitment to put Christian principals into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all.