Youth Wellness Certification
Educational course for members ages 11-14 that teaches facility rules and policies, as well as basic health and wellness guidelines for exercising and using equipment inside the YMCA. Upon completion of this course, participants are not exempt from the YMCA age and supervision policies.
The Youth Wellness Certification course is a one-on-one training with a Wellness Coach that will be scheduled based on participant and coach availability.
*Note: At least 1 parent is required to be present for the rules and policies section of the course.
Class Length: 1-1.5 hours
Cost: $30.00 per participant
New Impact
The Children’s Hospital of Greenville Health System designed this comprehensive weigh management program for children ages 6 to 21. The mission of New Impact is to treat overweight and obese children in the upstate of South Caroline and empower them to develop active and healthy lifestyles. our team members target the exercise and eating behavior of the entire family system. In 2013, the Easley and Pickens YMCAs partnered with New Impact to begin serving children from our community who were enrolled in the program.
Who is eligible?
Your child must have a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than or equal to the 85th percentile. Increased BMI is an indicator of an increased risk of adult-type health problems. To calculate your child’s BMI, go to cdc.gov/healthyweight/bmi/calculator.
If your child meets the above criteria, ask your physician about New Impact or call the New Impact office @ 864-522-2100.